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It’s a different world now.

Let’s help you navigate it successfully

Your sales force is no longer able to travel to meet customers. At the same time, customer expectations and buyer journeys have shifted online. This is why you need a partner with the knowhow and bandwidth to help you succeed in this new digital reality.

At PharmaCentral, we have perfected the technical marketing formula. We do not aim to disrupt your existing channel strategy, rather we co-create value with you and your existing partners.

So if you’re looking for a digital partner to support your direct sales or distribution channels, look no further . We are the platform to bring it all together.

Advertising opportunities supports your marketing and sales objectives by availing a number of limited spaces to showcase your products and services in a variety of options, including flash and banner ads. Click here to download our Media Pack. Our rates and specifications are highly competitive and offer demonstrable RoI (prices start from £/$95 pm or £/$10 per 1000 views).

Please use the order form to order your ad. No credit card details are required at this stage.

Ad Space Order Form

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Max. file size: 2 MB.
A member of staff will shortly contact you for credit card information and payment options. For questions, please contact us at or call 0333 772 1675. 
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