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Hectorite Excipient | Uses, Suppliers, and Specifications

Hectorite is the name for anaturally-ocurring mineral clay belonging to the smectite group (this group also includes montmorillonite, beidellite, nontronite, and saponite). It has a high silica content and similar structurally to talc. Hectorite is supplied as a white or cream-coloured, waxy, dull powder. It has no odour.

Pharmacopoeial Compliance: Grandfathered

Synonyms and Trade Names: Hector Clay; Hectabrite AW; Hectabrite DP; Laponite; SHCa-1; Stress & Hofmann’s Hectorite

Uses and Applications: Adsorbent; Emulsifying Agent; and Viscosity–Increasing Agent


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